Earn Traffic

make cash

Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”

Hi guys!

Today i'm gonna show you all the tools that I have been using to earn traffics/visitors on my blog!. It is a need for a blog or a website to have a lot of traffic. Why?

How are you going to earn money from your blog or website if you don't have any visitors? haha

How are you going to promote advertisements/products to others if your website has no visitors or a traffic?

Im gonna show you all what tools i've been using to earn traffics. Its just the tools that I know is good for your website. Im not telling you guys that im a SEO expert or something that is expert on this kind of stuff. All I want is to help you guys earning traffic from your website or blog.

So let's start!

1. 24/7 Baclinks


2. 10k Hits

3. Simply Auto Hits

4. Easy Hits 4 U

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

5. Ougos

6. Traffic Spammer

Get Traffic Like Spam

A reminder when using traffic spammer, specially when you monetize your blog or site or website into Bidtraffic. You must first create a domain on dot.tk then put your website/blog's url there. Then, the url you created on dot.tk are the one whose going to submit on traffic spammer.

Why are you going to do the redirecting or forwarding when using traffic spammer?..

Its because traffic spammer shows traffic sources which can be detected by Bidtraffic or other monetization site that is strict when it comes on traffic sources of your website or blog. Unless, you're a upgrade member of traffic spammer.

Traffic spammer is great on making traffic on your site. That's true. So don't be afraid using it. just don't forget the reminder above.

Be a upgrade member on traffic spammer if you want a safe traffic sources.

That's all guys. Thank you

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